In aceasta pagina gasiti concursuri pentru locuri de munca in domeniul IT software si hardware valabile pentru orasul Craiova. Sunt anunturi facute de firme de IT, banci, magazine online si altele care scot la concurs diferite joburi in domeniul IT pentru incepatorii, nivel mediu si cu experienta.
Junior Software Developer- Divizia IT Craiova LIBRA INTERNET BANK
- Anuntul este valabil pana la: 27-02-2019 -
Descrierea postului:
LIBRA INTERNET BANK – divizia IT Craiova, este in cautarea viitorilor colegi.
Ce cautam? Junior Software Developers cu cunostinte de OOP (C#, Java, .Net), SQL, care isi doresc dezvoltarea carierei in cadrul unei echipe tinere, dinamice si entuziaste
Dezvolti aplicatii/ functionalitati si modifici/imbunatatesti aplicatiile existente
Te asiguri de nivelul de calitate corespunzator a codului scris
Candidatul ideal
Absolvent studii superioare de specialitate (informatica, automatica, cibernetica)
Cunostinte de NET: ASP .NET, MVC si MSSQL – minimum 1 an experienta
Curiozitate, creativitate si abilitati de comunicare eficienta cu departamentele organizatiei
Ce iti oferim:
Monitorizarea sanatatii, prin abonamente de medicina generala furnizate de clinica Sanador (inclus), servicii medicale cu discount la Clinica Medlife si servicii stomatologice cu discount la clinica MG Medical;
O zi libera in plus, cu ocazia zilei tale de nastere;
Comision zero pentru tranzactiile efectuate prin Internet Banking si la toate ATM-urile Euronet, dar si dobanzi preferentiale la depozite si credite, inclusiv ipotecare;
Educatie si cultura, prin acces gratuit la biblioteca Bookster sau la Atelierele Libra Cultural (fotografie, teatru, dezvoltare personala .) si discounturi la atelierele oferite de Fundatia Calea Victoriei;
Program de lucru flexibil;
Posibilitatea sa te mentii in forma, prin reduceri la serviciile companiilor partenere 7 Card si a salilor de sport WorldClass, dar si prin programul Libra Energize: (sau alt mijloc de transport nemotorizat), pentru ca incurajam protejarea mediului!
Beneficii negociate la nivelul grupului NCH Capital (discounturi si preturi preferentiale pentru produse si servicii in parteneriat cu diversi furnizori:
· ASIROM –30% discount la asigurari de locuinta si 40% la CASCO
· ORANGE – 10% reducere la abonamente si pana la 100 eur discount la terminale
· Cabana NCH din Busteni -
si multe altele, pe care te invitam sa le descoperi, alaturandu-te Echipei Libra!
Nivel cariera
Entry (0-2 ani), Middle (2-5 ani)
Adresa/adresele jobului
32 Strada George Enescu, Craiova
We will provide contracts to produce short single animations, from 1 minute in length to 4 minutes in length. Those contracts pay between $90 and $450.
Profil candidat:
Cunostinte foarte bune de programare Adobe PHOTOSHOP , 3D Max
Se asigura cazare garsoniera ultracentral pentru persoanele care se muta din alta localitate;
2D Animator - Salary: 2,000.00RON to 4,000.00RON /month
Craiova, judet Dolj. Adaugat 15 decembrie 2018
Mobilitatea postului: Munca la distanta - Tip job: Project Based
Dear Animators of the world,
We seek freelance animators to work on science communication videos.
You must be able to animate using Adobe AfterEffects.
There is lots of work, we can keep you busy with new projects consistently.
You will work from your home office. We based in the UK.
We will provide contracts to produce short single animations, from 1 minute in length to 4 minutes in length. Those contracts pay between $90 and $450.
We provide digital assets as a basis for you to work from.
We have our own brand identity, and you must follow this closely.
You must speak fluent English, and all be able to communicate fluently in written English.
Working with an internationally renowned group of research leaders, our organisation seeks to simplify complex basic and fundamental research, making it accessible to a wider audience.
Animation projects will be sent to you as each new animation begins. You will follow our clear brand identity when producing all content. You will be provided an asset bank characters and scenery, you will use this as a basis for all animation. Some animations will be short, 30 seconds long. Some will be longer, 4 minutes. Each length of animation will result in a different level of payment.
- 3 years (preferred) + experience of animating essential
- Proficiency at animating using Adobe After Effects, Moho, or similar
- Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop
- Good understanding of animation timing, and final editing
- Degree in relevant area
In addition, you must:
- Be able to work to strict deadlines
- Have a positive attitude to client feedback
- An interest in science and good scientific understanding would be advantageous.
To apply, please send your CV and brief covering letter and provide links to your show-reel.
Without your show-reel, CV and covering letter, we will not process your application.
Specialist Program Lifecycle Management Craiova
Craiova, judet Dolj. Adaugat 6 decembrie 2018
Full-time / Perioada nedeterminata
-Provide user support for Change Management (CM) process and Program Lifecycle Management (PLM) application within dedicated region;
-Coordinate and provide trainings for CM process and PLM applications within dedicated region;
-Contribute to Continuous Improvement (CI) process and PLM application, Engineering Operation Processes and the CM process (capture and develop ideas, perform investigations using A3 problem solving methodology, coordinate improvements by liaising with IT, writing tests specifications and perform use case validation test);
-Support Project Teams to expedite CM process;
-Guide and support Project Engineering Change Coordinators (PECC) (with update and training);
-Evaluate the CM Process based KPIs (within dedicated region);
-Maintain and improve CM related data quality within PLM applications;
-Follow Function specific Compliance Resource Center (CRC) requirements;
-Associates/Bachelor Degree (or equivalents) in a technical discipline such as Mechanical or Electronical Engineering, Mechatronics or a comparable education;
-Ideally first experiences in Product Engineering in Automotive Industry and on Computer Software PLM (DS 3Dexperience, Enovia);
-Knowledge of TS16949 and ISO 14001;
-Good MS-Office and ideally Sharepoint skills;
-Good English skills are necessary, German skills are favorable;
leoHR was born out of a desire to provide adaptable HR solutions for diverse business environments.
leoHR is a new and fresh concept who puts in service for both parties, companies and candidates, its expertise gathered in more than 15 years of human resources multinational consultancy companies and strategic management roles in different national and overseas environments.
leoHR brings a new approach in HR services, coming with a more human touch manner in the search and selection process, soft skills trainings and human resource consultancy. We highly value our customers, both companies and candidates, and our goal is to deliver the high quality services that we’d like to receive from others.
EXCELLENCE … is what we DO !!!
Thank you for visiting for other challenging vacancies
Atlas teams are responsible for developing and maintaining internal applications from various business domains. The micro-services architectures is our paradigm and each team manages from 1 to 8 apps. Each team decides what technologies to use, what testing strategies to employ and how to scale in the long term and thus has full ownership and autonomy.
Besides PHP we bring lots of other cool technologies under the hood: Vue.JS, React, Angular for UI, MongoDB, RabbitMQ and killer combos such as SOLR + Cassandra for big data and Python + Machine Learning for AI.
We keep ourselves ahead of the game by experimenting lots of new technologies, participating in international tech events (Atlanta, San Francisco, Berlin, Bucharest, Warsaw), both as guests and key-speakers, organizing workshops, MBA-like trainings and maintaining an open mind to all ideas that you have.
We invite you to join our teams and enjoy not the job at eMag, but the full experience: - being part of a company serving customers in 4 countries - sponsored international events, workshops and hackathons - sponsored MBA-like trainings - flexible program .
Develop high-performance, reliable and maintainable code whether implementing architectural improvements;
Design, implement and support multiple applications across various platforms;
Stay in-tune with the latest technologies; proactively identify areas for improvement and propose viable solutions;
Collaborate with other technical team members to design, implement, quickly troubleshoot and resolve any critical issues.
2-3 years of development experience using web technologies;
Extensive experience in design and development of web applications with PHP, any VCS (GIT, Mercurial, SVN)
Experience with MySQL and at least one PHP Framework (Symfony, Laravel, Zend, Yii, CodeIgniter)
Solid foundations in computer science fundamentals, OOP, design patterns and software engineering best practices;
Analytical thinking and strong initiative;
Flexible, communicative, a real team player;
Able to work on several simultaneous projects and to adapt to a fast evolving environment
Will be a plus:
Experience with Symfony 2, Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ/AMQP, PHP-Unit/Unit-Testing, Agile Scrum, Gearman
A solid understanding of High Availability, Load Balancing, Performance Tuning, Security, NGINX, Machine Learning.
At eMAG, we are constantly moving forward and we love what we do. If you are passionate about your job, whether it’s offering consultancy to a customer or writing a code line, and you aim high, then you belong with us, the No. 1 IT company to work for in Romania (according to a Biz Magazine study in 2017). We provide you with the best development programs to improve both your soft and job specific skills, but it is you who decides what you want to learn and where you want to go. The possibilities are endless. We know benefits are important, that’s why we provide you with a full range of them. And because we like to share, at the beginning of you journey in eMAG we offer you a free course of e-commerce, just to put you up to speed.
Suntem in căutarea colegilor in cadrul departamentului Design!
Program de lucru: part-time flexibil, remote.
Descrierea postului:
Realizarea machetelor grafice in vederea obținerii aprobării de la client
Verifica informațiile de pe comanda clientului cu cele din pagina de
Executare si adaptare desene vectoriale
Redesenare etichete conform mostrei fizice sau conform paginii de manual
Verificare fișiere si pregătire pentru tipar
Prelucrare date variabile si importare in software specific
studii medii
Spirit de observație dezvoltat, atenție la detalii
Îndemânare, răbdare, capacitatea de a desfășura sarcini repetitive
Limba engleza (avantaj)
Experiență minim 1 luna ca freelancer sau angajat (poti lucra part-time, chiar daca ai deja un job)
Abilitatea de lucra cu Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Corel (obtine training complet in grafica, ilustratii si alte domenii IT : programare, web-design, animatii, 3D, etc. )
Experiența in domeniul prepress-ului si tiparului, pe platforma windows este un avantaj.
Program remote.
Venit motivant.
Absolvent facultate 2018 - Inginer de sistem, specialist calculatoare
Craiova, judet Dolj. Adaugat 5 decembrie 2018.
Candidatul ideal
Candidatul ideal trebuie sa indeplineasca urmatoarele cerinte:
- sa fie organizat, serios, responsabil si punctual;
- capacitatea de a lucra in echipa cat si individual;
- cunostinte de limba engleza nivel mediu;
- bune abilitati de comunicare, responsabilitate;
- atitudine pozitiva,flexibilitate, adaptabilitate.
Descrierea jobului
Descrierea postului:
Candidatul trebuie sa ajute clientul final la instalarea softului si functionarea corespunzatoare.
- Asigurarea de asistenta tehnica pentru programele comercializate si produse de catre firma noastra, precum si la nivel de aplicatii a utilizatorilor;
- Instalarea / reinstalarea / configurare sistemelor de Operare Windows precum si de software de aplicatie specific proiectelor;
- Suport pentru utilizatori privind modul de folosire a echipamentelor/aplicatiilor/resurselor la care au acces;
- Lucreaza in echipa: deptartamentul IT, TL(responsabil de proiect) pentru a identifica/implementa proceduri care sa aduca un plus in ceea ce priveste serviciile firmei.
- Serviciile vor fi furnizate la sediul firmei noastre telefonic.
- Va identifica si aplica cele mai bune solutii tehnice.
- Va fi apt sa faca estimari corecte de timp si sa respecte deadline-urile asumate.
Candidatul ideal trebuie sa aiba capacitatea si dorinta de a invata rapid lucruri noi, abilitati de organizare si planificare.
Experienta anterioara nu este neaparat necesara.
Consultant Vânzări Telekom
Craiova, judet Dolj. Adaugat 23 noiembrie 2018
Mobilitatea postului: Necesita deplasari - Tip job: Part time
Candidatul ideal:
Cautam sa intregim echipa departamentului de vanzari Telekom.
De ce oameni avem nevoie?
- Ambitiosi si dornici de afirmare prin performanta;
- Dinamici;
- Atitudine pozitiva, orientare catre client si sociabil;
- Abilitatea de convingere si experienta in domeniu reprezinta un avantaj.
Descrierea jobului:
Postul presupune:
- Vanzari de servicii de telecomunicatii (internet, televiziune, telefonie mobila, telefonie fixa) pentru compania Telekom Romania;
- Crearea si dezvoltarea unor legaturi cu potentialii sau actualii clienti;
- Munca de teren;
- Imbunatatirea continua a procesului de vanzare si relationarea cu clientul;
- Asimilarea informatiilor legate de avantajele si beneficiile serviciilor oferite;
- Diponibilitate pentru program in a doua parte a zilei.
Ce beneficii ai ?
- Salariu cu mult peste medie construit din 3 parti : salariu fix + comisioane + bonus de volum;
- Posibilitatea de avansare prin performanta intr-o companie multinationala;
- Training-uri de specialitate gratuite recunoscute la nivel international - Magenta Sales Excellence Training Program;
- Asimilarea unor cunostinte de actualitate in domeniul telecomunicatiilor (IT&C) legate de serviciile in fibra optica, prin satelit sau retele ADSL/VDSL;
- Lucru in echipa si dezvoltarea spiritului de coechipier;
- Premii speciale pentru agenti de top (excursii, bilete la concert, telefoane, etc.);
- Tableta, cartela SIM, acces la orice informatie legata de ofertele in curs.
*angajarea se face prin partenerul Telekom, ProSolutions Agency.
Sales and Logistics SAP Support Specialist Craiova
Craiova, judet Dolj. Adaugat 2 octombrie 2018
Normă întreagă - Permanent / Perioada nedeterminata
Position - Sales and Logistics SAP Support Specialist
Location - Craiova
Position scope - Supports users in troubleshooting of SAP SD & LO Application.
- Business knowledge
- SD, MM, Logistic and Profitability modules knowledge
- Cross functional process knowledge
- Deliver support and enhancements; execute all maintenance activities according to specific business procedures and validation standards.
- Configure SAP system as per business request, develop tests to ensure that functionality works as per functional and technical design specifications
- Provide support, operations, maintenance, system improvements and assist in project activities. Include the planning, analysis, design, development, implementation, maintenance and support of SAP configuration changes.
- Will work one week of every month in second shift hours (16:00 – 24:00)
Education: Faculty Economics / Informatics.
- Strong English knowledge, Italian knowledge is a plus
- Strong computer skills
- Problem solving and information gathering
- Analysis
- Effective realization
- Teamwork
- Learning quickly
- Initiative and drive
- Customer orientation
- Resilience and stress tolerance
Experience: Min. 2 years work experience in an area of work related to IT (preferable SAP), support center, sales, purchasing, logistics.
Others: Very good computer knowledge, programming language knowledge, IT experience, business processes knowledge.
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